Saturday, June 29, 2019

Writing more Scientific Articles

Most scientists write articles about their results to publish these in scientific journals. As long as the research has not been published in a scientific journal, hardly anyone knows that it has been conducted. In addition to sharing research results with other scientists, publishing is also important for your promotion opportunities. It is therefore essential to publish the results of all your research (timely), preferably in a good peer-reviewed journal.

The problem with writing scientific articles is that it is important but usually not urgent. As soon as a seemingly more urgent problem arises, writing is discarded. Some people also dislike writing, which easily leads to procrastination and postponement. This way the non-written or half-written manuscripts pile up.

Read in my blog how to write more articles:

Or recruit me to help you finish that half written manuscript:

Monday, March 4, 2019

How to take useful notes when reading scientific articles

When you are reading scientific articles, it may be hard to focus on the message in each one of them. As a result, it may be difficult to, later on, remember the overall message or essential details. Or you may recall an interesting fact, but do not remember where you read it.  This happens especially when you just read the articles from start to finish without taking notes. Here is some advice on how to read and interpret the articles and how to make useful notes so you can easily find back important data.

Read all about it in my blog:

reading scientific articles
Just highlighting text when reading scientific articles will not make it easy to find important information back: make and store notes as well!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Revision of a scientific manuscript & response to reviewers

Most manuscripts are not accepted upon their first submission for publication, in fact, most are rejected without peer review. This type of rejection is often done by the editor within 24 hours to a week after submission.  Immediate rejection is a frustrating experience, and you may be disappointed or angry, but it is no reason to despair. You just need to select another journal, change the layout of the manuscript to match the new journal´s format, and submit it again.

If the reviewers suggested that your manuscript needs to be revised before it can be accepted you get a second chance at getting it just right.

Read in my blog how to revise your manuscript and how to reply to the reviewers`comments:

Manuscript before and after submission. Illustration by Jason McDermott of RedPenBlackPen.